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Acrosalenia hemicidaroides var. bradfordensis from Vosges SOLD (SO) 03

Acrosalenia hemicidaroides var. bradfordensis from Vosges SOLD (SO) 03
  • Acrosalenia hemicidaroides var. bradfordensis from Vosges SOLD (SO) 03
  • Acrosalenia hemicidaroides var. bradfordensis from Vosges SOLD (SO) 03
  • Acrosalenia hemicidaroides var. bradfordensis from Vosges SOLD (SO) 03
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Jurassic (Approx. 166-161 million years old) Acrosalenia hemicidaroides var. 2 fossils of a sea urchin called bradfordensis. The remains of the sea urchin were collected on 15 February 2004 at the Neufcháteau site in Vosges, France. The size of the hedgehogs is approximately 11 mm x 5 mm and 12.5 mm x 6 mm. The hedgehog fossils are placed in a plastic storage box measuring approximately 27.5 mm x 27.5 mm x 21.5 mm.

  • Size: 11 mm x 5 mm and 12,5 mm x 6 mm

    Weight: 2 grams

    Site: Neufchateau, Vosges, France

    Age: between 166 - 161 million years

  • Stock
    Out of stock
    Article No.
    6 g/pcs
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